Sunday, December 19, 2010

NFL kicker earns degree from ASU - Denver Business Journal:
During breaks at NFL training camp, Cundiff would open his laptopoand study, many times putting in 30 to 40 hours each week on the MBA throug the W.P. Carey School of Business at ASU. Cundiff still is working out withNFL teams, this week with the Indianapolis Colts and two weekx ago with the Cleveland He’s not sure if he’ll get a job with either of the but has solidified a positiobn with in Scottsdale. “This is the best two-year investment I probabl could have ever madein myself,” he “The W.P.
Carey MBA Onlinr Program gave me the flexibility to attend traininhg camp with the Atlanta Falcons while still pursuing my With five years of regular season experience underhis belt, the 29-year-old kicketr was released from the Atlanta Falcons and the Kansas City Chiefsx while working on his degree. “I’ve got to be the only guy in the MBA progran who got fired from two jobs while in theMBA program,” he said. The last time he playef a regular season game was in the NFC Championship durinfg the2006 season. He played duriny the preseasonin 2007, but was released last year before training camp.
Cundiff said he knew he had to star t thinking about his future for when his footbalp careerwas over. He and his wife, an had just bought a home in Phoenix when he decidecd to enrollin ASU’s MBA program. “Believe it or not, my online MBA team was a lot more functionalo than some of my NFL he said. “The online progranm also really helps you work on your communications andinterpersonall skills, since you’re not dealinfg with people on a face-to-face basis.

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