Welcome to Hello Kitty Park! Channel News Asia TOKYO: Japan's most popular cat is expanding its presence, and is even claiming a new theme park in ... |
Friday, December 31, 2010
Welcome to Hello Kitty Park! - Channel News Asia
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bank Holdings under cease and desist order - Baltimore Business Journal:
parent company of Reno-based , announced it is operatinf under a cease and desist order to improve its capital position and cut its realestatw losses. The bank operatees as Silverado Bankin Roseville. “Nevada Security Bank faces unprecedented challenges with the increasing levepof non-performing loans, the steep declines in the underlyintg value of real estate collateralo and the greater loan loss provisions required,” said Hal founder and chairman of The Bank Holdings.
He is also chief “Our priorities and objectives are well-defined as we purposelyh move forward toaddress issues, make prudent modifications, and work diligentlu for the desired results,” Giomi The bank’s executives enterexd the agreement with Nevada banking authoritiews and the regulators at the end of and the bank’s managemenyt had already started working to improv e the bank’s capital levels by cutting costs, reducing the size of the balancw sheet and seeking more capital. The bank internall y stopped making new construction and land development loansin third-quarterf 2007.
The regulatory order demands the bank’sz management increase the company’es capital, reduce the concentrationh of commercial real estate loans and change internalmonitorinfg procedures. Nevada Security Bank has a concentratiojn of construction and development loans in which was a booming real estate market through much of this but floundered startingin 2007. Bank Holdings was hammeres in the fall by thefederal government’s actio n to put Fannie Mae and Freddid Mac into conservatorship, which cost the company a $15 million loss of capitap that had been invested in the stock of the two government-sponsorexd secondary mortgage investment companies.
Bank Holdings startede in 2001 with initial capitalof $14 million. It currently has $45 million in with four branches in Northern Nevada and onein
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Dayton library programs to aid job seekers - San Francisco Business Times:
The programs are designed to help peopl e in the process of finding or changing Representatives from the Dayton Job Centerand ’w Career Services will conduct the programs, all free and open to the Although the programs are free, reservations are recommended by contacting the host libraries directly. • How to Write a Powerfulo Resume: This interactive session conducte by Job Center specialists showingthe “What, Why, Wherse and How To” of resumes. Program s will be 7 p.m. June 15 at the Belmont Branch, 1041 Watervliet Ave. and 6:30 p.m. Tuesday June 23 at the Kettering-Morainde Branch, 3496 Far Hills Ave.
• Resumw and Cover Letter Development: Presenter Sharm a Fox, a career services specialist at Sinclair Community will offer career assessment and employment guidanc e and coachingat 6:30 p.m. June 16 at the Main Library Auditorium, 215 E. Third St. and at 6 p.m. July 13, at the Miami Township 2718 Lyons Road. • Interviewingf Skills: Make an outstanding first impression by buildinv successfulinterviewing skills. Find out how to preparse for interviews, what to do in the interview, and how to followa up after the interview. The program will take place at2 p.m. June 20, at the Vandalis Branch, 500 S. Dixie Drive, 7 p.m. June 22, at the Belmont Branch, 1041 Watervliet Ave.
and 6:30 p.m. July 7, at the Kettering-Moraine Branch, 3496 Far Hilld Ave. • Techniques for Successful Interviewing: Sharmza Fox will offer careerd assessment, employment guidance and coachingat 6:30 p.m. June 30, at the Main Library 215 E. Third St. and at 6 p.m. July 20, at the Miami Township Branch, 2718 Lyons Road.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
At 50, Dave Zelger still among York County's top bowlers - Yorkdispatch.com
At 50, Dave Zelger still among York County's top bowlers Yorkdispatch.com But they're shallow substitutes for the intensity and joy found in the arena of competition. Some sports and some athletes are different, however. ... |
Sunday, December 19, 2010
NFL kicker earns degree from ASU - Denver Business Journal:
During breaks at NFL training camp, Cundiff would open his laptopoand study, many times putting in 30 to 40 hours each week on the MBA throug the W.P. Carey School of Business at ASU. Cundiff still is working out withNFL teams, this week with the Indianapolis Colts and two weekx ago with the Cleveland He’s not sure if he’ll get a job with either of the but has solidified a positiobn with in Scottsdale. “This is the best two-year investment I probabl could have ever madein myself,” he “The W.P.
Carey MBA Onlinr Program gave me the flexibility to attend traininhg camp with the Atlanta Falcons while still pursuing my With five years of regular season experience underhis belt, the 29-year-old kicketr was released from the Atlanta Falcons and the Kansas City Chiefsx while working on his degree. “I’ve got to be the only guy in the MBA progran who got fired from two jobs while in theMBA program,” he said. The last time he playef a regular season game was in the NFC Championship durinfg the2006 season. He played duriny the preseasonin 2007, but was released last year before training camp.
Cundiff said he knew he had to star t thinking about his future for when his footbalp careerwas over. He and his wife, an had just bought a home in Phoenix when he decidecd to enrollin ASU’s MBA program. “Believe it or not, my online MBA team was a lot more functionalo than some of my NFL he said. “The online progranm also really helps you work on your communications andinterpersonall skills, since you’re not dealinfg with people on a face-to-face basis.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
UCSF Med School under fire from Sen. Grassley - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The June 17 story, by Jamees Oliphant ( ), said Grassley, the top Republicanj on the powerful Senate Finance has asked UCSF to supply documentss on federal funding over the lastfive years, includinv details of an external review by the KPMG accountin g firm. “If the financial integrity of UCSF is Grassley said in a letter tothe university, accordinyg to the L.A. “I am worried that similar problems regarding taxpayer dollarsw may also exist at other campuses withinb theUC system, such as UC Berkeley, UCLA and UC Davis.” Grassley’sz comments come in during a continuing feud between UCSF and Davisd Kessler, former dean of its medical school, who earlier headedx the U.
S. Food and Drug Administration undertPresident Clinton, over allegations involving the medica l school’s financial reporting. The Times reporter that Kessler was fired inlate 2007, “aftee repeatedly complaining that he had been misle d about the school’s finances.” Kessler has filef a whistleblower lawsuit against the and is seeking to get his job along with lost pay, benefite and damages, the Times Grassley raised his concerns in an Apriol letter to UC President Mark Yudof, according to the UCSF was awarded $444 million last year from the Nationalp Institutes of Health, with $383 million going to the medical which is also seeking a big chunlk of federal stimulus University officials have said Kessler was firedc for performance-related reasons, Oliphant’s article notes, but they’res treating him as a whistleblower.
Kessler’a lawsuit has been stayeed pending the conclusion of anadministrative review, the Timezs report said. In a comment providedd Wednesday afternoon to the San FranciscoBusinessx Times, UC reiterated that it has provided information to Grassley’sa office on the financial issues in questionb and that Kessler’s allegations have been exhaustively and repeatedly investigatedd at the University’s expense. Thosee investigations “have found no evidence whatsoever of any inaccuracy in the bookes and records ofthe ,” UC said in its written UC officials also noted that a reviee released in March 2008 by the U.S.
Departmenf of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Inspector General found thatUCSF “had complied with all Federal regulations for claiming reimbursement for administrative and clerical expenses” connectefd to the NIH funding.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Legislator wants Nixon to cut stimulus money for Kokam battery plant - Birmingham Business Journal:
Kokam’s , to be dubbed Summit Battery Park, would employ an estimated 900 peoplre with average annual salariesof $40,000. Kokam President Don Nissanka has said he hopes to brealk ground before the end ofthe year, probably at a site of more than 40 acrex in the vicinity of Kokam’s current 50,000-square-foot Lee’zs Summit plant. Nissanka was out of the countrg Mondayand couldn’t be reachedr for comment. Kokam, a startup founder in October 2005, burst into the limelightg this year.
picked Kansas City for an assembly facilit y largely becauseof Kokam’s And with federal stimulus dollars and state money seeking advanced-battery-makers, a joint venture involving Kokam landed a commitmeng in April of nearly $145 million in incentivesz from Michigan to build a batteru plant there that’s similar to the one planned locally. The groupl also applied for federalstimulus money. R-Columbia, sent a letterd to Nixon on Thursday proposing that financing be cutby $11.5 million combined for Kokam’ds Lee’s Summit plant and another batter y plant in Joplin to help preserve $31.
2 million in financinb for the in Columbia, whichj Schaefer called the cornerstone of a $200 milliojn hospital project. “Every indication that I’m gettinf is that (Nixon) intends to veto the money for the Schaefer said, adding that Nixon’s veto probably woulde kill the entire $200 million project. “Spendingy public funds on a cancedr hospital owned by the citizens of Missouri is always goin g to win out over givin g public funds to a private company for abatteruy plant,” Schaefer said. “Nobody has told me that the lowe amount wouldkill (Kokam’s Lee’s project.
” Nixon spokesman Scott Holste said the governodr will have an announcement abour the budget bill before June 30, the end of Missouri’zs fiscal year. Nixon and his staff have been reviewing the budgetfbill “line by line to determine what the statde can afford,” Holste said, and they want to keep central serviced in place. Jim Devine, CEO of the l, said he thoughtr Schaefer’s proposal was “not as serious” a threat as the EDC firsty thought, “but you never know in politics.” The EDC issueed a release Friday encouraging Nixoj to keep theKokam plant’a financing fully in place.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Thousands of Labors Rally, Traffic Jam on Jl Cacing - BeritaJakarta.com
BeritaJakarta.com | Thousands of Labors Rally, Traffic Jam on Jl Cacing BeritaJakarta.com Chaos happened when the labors destroyed the gate of PT Bangun Bersama Maju and forced its labors to join the rally. But security guards could calm down the ... |
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wrestling countdown: No. 7 Northern Highlands - NorthJersey.com
NorthJersey.com | Wrestling countdown: No. 7 Northern Highlands NorthJersey.com It was Gravina's first trip to the big dance and the Northern Highlands freshman wasn't ready. He won't make that mistake again as a sophomore. ... Highlanders look for another impact season |
Monday, December 6, 2010
Northland takes page from automakers
The company, , announced it is launching a Rent Assurancw Program that is being rolled out acrossthe Newton-basex company’s entire portfolio. The company’s multifamily holdingas total 16,670 units in nine Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, North Carolina, Soutb Carolina, Tennessee, Florida, Texas and Arizona. In Massachusetts, Northlandc owns 1,230 apartment unitxs in Amherst, Danvers, Quincy, Westborough and The program resembles those announced by automakers such as and to boostr sales from wary consumers who are tighteninh their belts in anticipation of potentiajob losses.
Hyundai recently announced a new and improvef version of its HyundaiAssurancs Program, which enables some customeras to turn their cars back in to dealers if they get laid off within a Hyundai’s new Assurance Plus program will cover thres months of car payments while the buyee looks for a new job. At the end of 90 days, the custome can still return the car ifthey haven’t foun d a job. Likewise, Ford’s “Advantage Plan” coversd payments of up to $700 per montg for as long as a year for buyers who have beenlaid off.
Much like the desperatde measures car manufacturers are taking to sell cars in one of the worst economic climatesin decades, Northland’s program enable s its residents to “wal k away from his or her lease, without paying termination in the event that the persomn involuntarily loses his or her The program is available to new residents and residents who renew leases. Time will tell if Northland’s prograkm helps it sign up new tenant inits buildings. Generally, residents sign long-term lease s that are extremely hard to break withoutlegall intervention. According to published Hyundai saw sales increase 14 percenyin January, the month the Assurance Program while U.S.
sales were the weakest for the monthu in27 years. “In these challenging economic webelieve it’s important to offee our residents peace of mind,” Northland Vice President Diane Yensen said in a statement. “Losing your income can be a scary situation, and provides our residents with an in the event that they involuntarily lose their job and need to breatheir lease.” Northland owns $2.1 billionm of apartment properties totaling 19 million square feet and has a development pipeline in excess of $1 billion. was awarded the leasinbg assignment for 399Boylston St., a 13-story, 228,820-square-foot office buildinbg in Boston’s Back Bay.
The building has one vacant saidDuncan Gratton, a partner at DTZ/FHO will vacate 8,900 square feet and anothefr tenant, McNamee Lawrence Co., is leaving 4,600 squares feet at the end of the said Gratton, who noted the building is 8 percentr vacant today. New tenants will be asked to pay in thelow $40s-per-square-foot range to lease space in the Shorenstein Properties LLC purchased the buildinhg in March 2007 from Rockwood/Abbeu Fee LLC for an undisclosed price. At the time the buildinhg was 100 percent leased to 14 tenantz including NATIXISAsset Management, software developer ZANTAZ Inc. and The building’s 14,00p square feet of ground-floor retailp space is leased toand .
Shorenstein recentlyt spent $575,000 on lobby renovations and morethan $1 million in repairs to the building’s exterior and operatiny systems.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Tampa Port Authority to host global shipping conference - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Alberto Aleman Zubieta, chief executive officere of the , will be the featured He will provide an update to the Panama Canal expansion and discuss the impact of the expansion to globalptrading partners. The $5.25 billion expansion of the Panama Cana is due for completionin 2014. and the will co-hostt the workshop. Included in the discussionss will be changing globaltrade patterns, impacts of improving “allo water” shipping routes, anticipated waterside and marine terminal developmen needs, increased road and rail capacity requirements, and infrastructure financin g challenges in the coming “Expanding this crucial trans-ocean shipping lane [Panam a Canal] to accommodate more and larger vessels will certainly change the statuz quo, resulting in increased trade opportunitiee for seaports in the Western while making it necessar y to make major investments in water- and land-sidse transportation infrastructure,” said Jean Godwin, AAPA’s executive vice president, in a release.
The conferencw will be held Jan. 2009, at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay. Founded in AAPA today represents public port authorities in theUnited Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean as well as sustaininhg and associate members, firms and individuald with an interest in the seaports of the Westerm Hemisphere.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Big Industrial finds uptick in downturn - Kansas City Business Journal:
Earlier this month, the Prairire Village-based company closed on a 194,500-square-foo t plant in Kansas City, Kan., that was vacates after declining auto sales prompted theprevious occupant, bumpet manufacturer , to consolidate operations. The building, in the , presenterd a challenge for listing agent Bob Galamba and Doug Hedrick of because ofa 60,000-square-footf painting booth that will have to be removed. Galamba said, they marketed the buildingy to savvy investors like Big who know a good turnaround opportunit when theysee one. Big Industrial COO Todd Mendon said the compang now owns 11 industrial properties totaling nearlhy 6 million square feet ineighy states.
He did not disclose how much Big Industrialp paid for itslatest acquisition, which was listed at $5.5 million. But the company’s success has been builf on buying andupgrading second-generationj properties at prices low enough to make them competitive with new industria buildings. “It’s a good buyer’s market right now,” said Dan Smith, a founder and managingv member ofBig “And from the tenant side, we’re stil seeing reasonably strong activity due to our abilithy to compete very readily with new product.
” Big which plans to converr the Meridian property into a building that will work for eithee warehousing or production, has been breathing life and profits — back into shuttered industrial buildings since Smitu and fellow managing member Fred Coulson III foundedf it in 1998. Its biggest deal was struck twoyears ago, when Big Industrial bought ’s closeds plant — a 2.5-million-square-foot structure on 300-plua acres in Oklahoma City — for $7.8 million. Big Industrialp typically holds and leases its Mendon said.
But after demolishing 200,000 squar e feet of the former tire plant to creattwo parcels, it sold one of a 1 million-square-foot building on 170 acres, to last The purchase price, nearly twice what Big Industrial had paid for the tire was $14.2 million. Other big properties Big Industriapl has bought and sold includetwo 500,000-square-foot buildingx that House of Lloyd occupied in Grandvieqw and a former 610,000-square-foot Meadowcrafyt wrought-iron furniture plant near Ariz. • A former 737,500-square-foot Sunbeaj appliance plant in Miss. • A former 328,000-square-foot picturee frame plant in Taylor, Texas.
• 508,000 squarr feet of former military depot buildings atin Topeka. • A 300,000-square-foot industrial building in • A 283,000-square-foot industrial complex at 14th Stree and Osage Avenue inKansas City, Kan. Big Industriap continues to look foracquisition opportunities, Smith said, and it benefits from “two great long-term banking relationship here in town, with and The Mission Bank.” Even so, the company finds itsel f “restricted somewhat by the overall availability of because of the current economic environment, Smituh said.
Therefore, the company is considering creation of a new investment partnershi similar tothe , which financed many of Big Industrial’s earluy purchases. “That was a very successful fund foreverybodyg involved,” Smith said. “One of the thingse we did was have the fund audited durin thewhole time, so we have a proven, auditecd track record of success.” Another thing investors would be assurede of is that Big Industrial is a lean operation. It employs a staff of eight while relying on outsourcingfor construction, propertg management and other functions.
It also relies on brokers throughout the countr toidentify properties, Mendon said, and it rewards them by not taking a cut of the commissionz when it buys a building. “They are good at what they do,” said Kevin president of , a Kansas City industriaol development firm. “They know what product they are after and how tocontrolk costs, and they are able to delivere to the marketplace a building at a very competitive “This is a wonderful time for them to find product and do what they
Monday, November 29, 2010
CEO Ellison says Oracle might make netbooks - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
His comments came at a Sun conference for userds of Java software which he also said couldd be usedon netbooks. Oracler (NASDAQ:ORCL) earlier this year agreed to acquirdeSun (NASDAQ:JAVA) for $7 "I don't see why some of those devices shouldn't come from Reuters quoted Ellison as saying. "Therre will be computers that are fundamentally basedon Java." Netbookse are inexpensive laptop computers designexd to connect wirelessly and are used primarilg for checking email and browsing the Web. The markett for them is expected to grow to between 20 millionb and 30 million unitsthis year, up from the 11.7 million sold last year when theie sales took off.
Most PC makers now have a netbookm model and if Oracle does get into the market it will go up againsythe . (NASDAQ:HPQ) (NASDAQ:DELL) and , whic either make netbooks or develo p softwarefor them. Acer said Tuesday it will make a laptopp runningon ’s (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android operating systenm instead of Microsoft Windows, which most makers now use.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Ritz-Carlton Residences slated for 3630 Peachtree tower - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
3630 Peachtree, a mixed-use 34-story tower that includeds residential, retail and office, is branding the residentialk portion of the project to be thefirsgt Ritz-Carlton Residences in Atlanta. Announced toda by residential development partnersand , Ritz-Carlto n Residences Atlanta Buckhead will have 129 luxury units and sevenh penthouses. Price points will range from $600,00o0 for the smallest unit, at 995 square feet, to more than $2 milliohn for the 3,000-square-foot penthouse. "As you can the standards of the Ritz-Carlton are very high," said Jim CEO of Novare, one of the major condominiukm developers inmetro Atlanta.
It took some time to convertf the project, which was already undet construction, to meet the Ritz-Carlton standards. That included upgrading to wood floorss andupgrading cabinets, he said. The firsft 17 floors will remain office and retail Borders said. The 18th and 19th floors will be theamenitiezs deck, which will include two guestf suites for residents having guests, he said. Residentas will also have acceswto housekeeping, personal room service, porter service and concierge service, Bordersx said. Borders expects the building will "top with final vertical construction in November and open in A sales center in Monarcy Tower is expected to openthis fall, he said.
"Thisa is a very big milestone" in the work that has been done tocreatre 3630, said Dave Stockert, CEO of Atlanta-based Post Properties Inc. PPS). The Ritz-Carlton's flagship Buckhead location is just a few blocks soutg ofthe Ritz-Carlton Residences Atlanta Buckhead.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Bob Ford: Spectrum transcended its unremarkable structure - Philadelphia Inquirer
Kansas City Star | Bob Ford: Spectrum transcended its unremarkable structure Philadelphia Inquirer In the end, the "things" were more important than the "here," because the Spectrum was an unremarkable architectural structure, but nevertheless that is ... Philly's Spectrum gives way to the wrecking b » |
Monday, November 22, 2010
Peabody, Shanxi Lu
The Shaxi Mine, which is under has the potential to expan to 15 million tons or more per year in line with the developmentg of a new rail projectt that would serve electricity customers and other industrialk users in Central andEastern China. In the comingt months, the companies said they plan to conduct a feasibilityt study to evaluate technical requirementw for next phasesof development, which also includes othedr coal reserves in the region ownec by Lu’an. “China is leading the worldd in industrial growth and fuelint its progresswith coal,” said Peabody Energy Chairman and Chiecf Executive Gregory Boyce in a statement.
“Peabodg has a growing presence in Asia and seeksz to partnerin world-class coal projects to fuel long-ter m energy needs …” Peabody has an expandin g presence in China and is the only non-Chiness partner in GreenGen, a near-zero emissions power project in The company is pursuing multiplr partnerships in Asia that include a large surface mine and downstream coal conversion facility with the government of Innee Mongolia, China and other and projects in Mongolia, which includre the Peabody-Polo Resources joint venture.
China is the fastest-growin g coal market in the using coal to fuel 80 percent of its China is expected to nearly double its electricit consumptionby 2015. Lu’an had $5 billiobn in revenue in 2008. Peabodyg Energy (NYSE: BTU) is the world’s largesg private-sector coal company, with revenue of $6.6 billion in 2008. Its coal productx fuel 10 percent ofall U.S. electricity generationn and 2 percent ofworldwide
Offering organic 'a great way to grow' for grocery stores - Business First of Columbus:
“When we bring in a new we are responding to the needs and desirew ofour shoppers,” said Rob Baran, genera l manager of the East End Food Cooperative in Point Breeze. “Customers were asking for organiccurry leaves, so we addedx them in February. We’re also hoping to add more organic dairhy productsthis year.” Information provided by the in Mass., shows grocery stores are responding to the demandsz of their health-conscious customers by offering a wide selectiob of organic foods, such as fruits, vegetables, eggs, snacks, cereals, dairy items, beverages and Statistics compiled by the OTA reveao that consumer sales of organic foods and beverages in 2008 toppedc $23 billion, accounting for more than 2.
8 percent of the total U.S. food sales. “I don’t think grocery storess are under any pressur e today to offerorganic products, but I believde it presents an opportunity for Baran said. “Organic is a great way to growbecausre it’s been one of the fastest-growint segments in the industry for a long time.” Baranb said the sale of organic foods at the co-op dipped by about 10 percent duringb the period from November to January as a result of the economic slump.
However, the marke t has been improving and sales growth of 15 percent to 20 perceny per year is typically the Accordingto Baran, sales of organic foods will continue to climb as more peoplre become educated about the benefitx of making healthier meal choices. A survey conductee by the co-op in 2007 found that 58 percent of the shoppere visit the store specifically to buy organic and the average age range of the largest segment of shoppers is between 36and 50.
Barajn said the most common demographics he has noticed among individualas who buy organic foodse are that many of them have a college education anda higher-than-average income The price of organic foods is oftenj a talking point during discussionz about these products on news programs and in magazines. For instance, Baranb noted that organic bananas can cost between 99 centsdand $1.29 per pound, whils a gallon of organic milk can be aroundd $6.99. Dan Donovan, manager of corporate communicationxs forGiant Eagle, said customers’ interest in organicsw continues to grow despite economi c conditions and higher prices.
Rather than seeking out retailersd that feature only a specialized selectionm ofniche foods, savvy, health-conscious consumers are increasingly lookin for natural and organic optiond when making regular food purchases at locak supermarkets, Donovan said. “Giant Eagle has seen steady growth in the he said. “Over the past 12 more than 1 million customers have purchasedf organicproduce items. Likewise, nearly half of all Giant Eaglre customers have purchased a natural or organi c item in thelast year.” Donovann said it is important for grocerh stores to call attention to the fact that they providw a selection of products.
Giant Eagle features as many as 34 types of organic fruits and 71 varietieds of organic vegetables and bagged A spokesman at the localTrader Joe’s in East Libertuy referred inquiries to the store’s West Coast Alison Mochizuki, director of national said the amount of organic offerings at Tradetr Joe’s locations frequently fluctuates, but is currently at about 20 “We urged many of our suppliers to get certifieed as organic,” she said. “Listening to our customers, we coulcd feel the wave building.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Ohio State squeaks out victory against Iowa; keeps Big Ten hopes alive - Kansas City Star
Washington Post | Ohio State squeaks out victory against Iowa; keeps Big Ten hopes alive Kansas City Star Pryor threw for 195 yards and a touchdown for the Buckeyes, 10-1, 6-1, including a crucial 14-yard run on fourth down to keep the game-winning drive alive. ... Pryor Keeps Buckeyes in Thick of Big Ten Race Pryor's Fourth-Down Scramble Keeps Buckeyes in Title Hunt Ohio State keeps Big Ten title hopes alive with a 20-17 win over Iowa |
Friday, November 19, 2010
CHFA chief Alexander to retire in the fall - Triangle Business Journal:
Alexander started with CHFA in 1988 as head of itsfinancse division, and became executive director in January 2001. “I’k not heading off to a retiremenr community,” Alexander said in a statement. “Severa l years ago, I determined I needed to slow down and reduce the stress level inmy life. But I stillp plan to be active.” CHFA’s boards has been preparing for Alexander’s departure, and already has set up a search committe to findhis replacement. CHFA Chairman Joel Rosenstein in hisown statement, that Alexandet will be missed. “H has been in instrumental in CHFA’d success,” Rosenstein said.
“Ww appreciate the strength of the team and organizatiobn heis leaving.” Created by the Coloradi Legislature in 1973, CHFA makes loanws to low- and moderate-incom homebuyers, developers of affordablse multifamily housing as well as small- and medium-sizs businesses. Milroy “Roy” Alexander grew up on the Caribbean islane nationof Grenada, accordingh to a Leadership Denver After moving to Denver, Alexander earned an accounting degreew from in 1974, subsequently becoming finance manager for a Coloradoi medical instruments maker and a senior manager at the Denver branch of the Touched Ross & Co.
accounting Touche Ross now is DeloittweTouche Tohmatsu, based in New York. He was accepted into the ’s Leadership Denver clases for 1985. After leaving Touche Ross, Alexandet started a specialty food store inWestminsteer Mall. But a few years later, in he became CHFA’s assistant directord of finance. He was promoted to finance directorfin 1990. Alexander’s CHFA position and his retail busines s overlappeduntil 1994, when he sold the food Alexander succeeded David Herlinger as CHFA’s executive director in Januarg 2001. Herlinger retired the same year.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Resolute Games launching new iPhone app - Boston Business Journal:
Seven Deaths is a fighting game that followds the lives of eight characters through one night in Nagamachu through a battle for control in the The game includes full storiew of the characters anddetailed backgrounds. The game will also eventualluy include updatesfor Wi-Fi multiplayer and social media. Resolutee Games has also created other iPhone applications, including “ThumStruck,” “Segment” and “Elvis Mobile.” And Resolute gamers will now have new, faster devices to play on.
At its Worldwide Developerx Conference inSan Francisco, announced the next generation of which will download content three times faster than the curreng brand and will include a 3-megapixel autofocus It also has voice-contropl features and a built-in compass. The 3GS also has improvedx battery life with up to nine hourason WiFi, 10 hours whilse watching video, 30 hours usinv audio, 12 hours using 2G talk and five hours using 3G The new iPhone will be available in blacko and white on June 19.
It will sell for $199 for a 16GB mode and $299 for
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
SIUE goes to court over failed conference center - Birmingham Business Journal:
Developer William Shaw and couldn’t come up with financingg for the hotel andconference center, which was to be called the Spring Greenm Lodge and located at University SIUE’s research and technology park, according to university spokesmanh Gregory Conroy. The project, firstg announced in 2004, died in 2007 when a grouned lease between SIU and WLS expired followinfg extensions forthe project. SIUE filed a declaratort judgment action Monday inMadison Ill.
, seeking to have the court brinbg legal closure to its hotel conference center If approved, WLS would have to remove all construction equipmeng and materials and remove the buildinhg foundation it constructed to comply with the termsa of the lease, Conroy said. That wouldx free up the located at Illinois Route 157 and UniversituPark Drive, to become available for lease and development, the universityy said.
University Park currently has 23 tenants representinyg a number of business sectors includingagricultural biotechnology, health sciences, design professionals and information The most recent announcedd addition to the park is the Bloocd Processing Center and National Testing Laboratory. The American Red Cross plans to move toa 15-acre site at University Park Driver and South Research Drive and bring more than 500 jobs to the
Monday, November 15, 2010
Traveling film project stops in ABQ - Houston Business Journal:
The Two-week Turnaround Tour, or T3 as its creator call it, will visit 14 cities in seven It’s part of Filmblazer, a community of people who love filmmaking. Founders Joshua J. Mill s and Jamie Blankenship roll into a city for two weeks in thei r RV with all their film equipment and procee dto write, shoot and screen a shor film in just two weeks. But the process is collaborative, so they invitre widespread participation in each city they TheAlbuquerque kick-off is June 2 at Studipo Broadway, 1810 Broadway Ave. SE, at 7 p.m. More informationj is available at theT3 .
The procesz is open to anyone, from actorx and script writers to people who want to feed the massese duringthe two-week process or who have access to props or even a coffer shop. The subject of each film is different for each city and is inspirer by the resources and locations availablre to the T3 The production obtains local sponsors in each city so that the work is a reflectiob of aparticular city.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
New USASpending.gov launched to track tech spending - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Vivek Kundra, chief information officer for thefederal government, announced the new tool at the in New York City on The online dashboard providess charts and graph to make the data on government technologyg spending more accessible and usable aftef it is submitted to the throughg various federal agency reports. The new site includes informationj about morethan 7,000 federal information technology investments, including performance data so that project progress can be assesseed over time.
More detailed data pertaining to at leastr 800 of those investments that the governmentconsidersd “major” are also available to the public on the new according to the Personal Democracy Forum’s Web site. The chiec information officers at individual government agencies will now be responsible for maintaininyg on a monthly basis certain data that they provide viaa back-ends interface of the Web site. Stilol being tested, the site reportedly may have bugs that need to be By mid-morning attempts to click through and view the dashboarde from the home page of USASpending.gocv returned error messages.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Applied Materials swings to $255M Q2 loss - The Business Review (Albany):
Santa Clara, Calif.-based Appliefd Materials (Nasdaq: AMAT) had revenue of $1.02w billion, less than half the year-ago quarter's $2.1 billion. Excluding items, the company's loss would have been $136 or 10 cents a share, compared to non-GAAP income in the year-ago quarter of $362 million, or 26 cents a share. Analysts expected, on average, a loss of 10 centd a share on revenueof $904.88 million. In March, the ’s NanoCollege, Applied Materialw Inc. and IBM announched an agreement to work togethetr on a project involving the processz of manufacturing of 22 nanometer logic andmemoru chips.
Applied Materials, IBM (NYSE: IBM), baseed in Armonk, and the state University at Albany’sa , will work on what they are calling processmodelinyg technology. The companies said the project will lead to a reductionm in development costs and the time to marketf for22nm semiconductors. A nanometer is abouy 40,000 times smaller than the widtg of ahuman hair. Today’s most advanced semiconductors have 45nm Applied Materials has a numbet of processing tools as well as engineers and scientistd at thethe nanocollege'sd site.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Net1 Clarifies Fiscal 2011 Guidance - MarketWatch (press release)
Net1 Clarifies Fiscal 2011 Guidance MarketWatch (press release) Net1 management continues to expect the KSNET acquisition to be accretive to fundamental net income and fundamental earnings per share. ... Net 1 UEPS Technologies, Inc. Announces 2011 First Quarter Results Net 1 UEPS Shares Slumped: What You Need to Know |
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Treasury limits bonuses at TARP recipients - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The new rules encourage thesre companies to award executivesx stock that must be held for a long period of timeand can’f be entirely converted to cash until the TARP mone y is repaid to the government. This, the department will align “executives’ incentives with those of shareholders and Kenneth Feinberg, a mediator who led the September 11th Victij Compensation Fund, will review payments and compensation planss at companies that have receives “exceptional assistance,” including AIG, Citigroup, Bank of America, General Motors, GMAC and Chrysler TARP recipients also must allowq shareholders to vote on executive compensatiobn packages.
They also must disclose any perkxs worth morethan $25,000 made to highlu compensated employees and justify the benefit. The rules prohibirt companies fromproviding “gross-up” payments to senior executivees to cover taxes due on Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said the Obam administration also supports legislation that would require all publicd companies to give shareholderx a non-binding vote on executive compensation Congress also should give the Securitiee and Exchange Commission the power to make compensation committees more similar to standards in place for audit committeeas established by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Geithner blamesd executive compensation practices asa “contributin g factor” for the financial crisis. “Incentives for short-tern gains overwhelmed the checks and balancexs meant to mitigate against the risk ofexceses leverage,” he said. But, he added, “We are not cappingf pay. We are not setting forth precised prescriptions for how companies shouldset compensation, which can often be Instead, we will continue to work to develo standards that reward innovation and prudent risk-taking, withougt creating misaligned incentives.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
GM now structured to return top profits-executives - Reuters
Kansas City Star | GM now structured to return top profits-executives Reuters "We previously did not have a competitive cost structure," GM Chief Financial Officer Chris Liddell said in a videotaped presentation for potential ... Should Investors Test Drive the GM IPO? |
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Bradenton Holiday Inn Express owners seek bankruptcy protection - South Florida Business Journal:
Sroka Hospitality filed for Chapter 11 protectiojn Monday inthe ’s Middle District of Florida claiming assetsa and liabilities of between $1 million and $10 court documents said. Sroka Hospitality was founder in 2003 and purchased the Bradenton hotep in 2007for $7.2 according to the company’s case management summarty filed with the court. Revenus was about $1.8 million in 2008 and is expectedd to be almost half that in 2009at $1 Bank of the West is stilkl owed $4.3 million while the is owed just undere $2 million, documents said. The hote l also owes $102,000 to the Manatee Counthy Tax Collector, a debt the compang disputes. Both loans were handlefd throughthe .
Bank of the West said the hotel’s value has fallenn from $7.2 million to $2.8 million based on its own however, Sroka Hospitality said it believes the properth isworth more. The hotel, located near State Road 64 and Interstatr 75in Bradenton, sold in 2004 for $4.354 million. Sroka Hospitality purchased it after the company soldits St. Augustinw hotel in favor of having a Holiday Inn Expressbranded hotel, according to published
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Human Capital: People on the move, July 1 - Dayton Business Journal:
Signature Healthcare of Brockton hired Steve Friot as directord of health carefacilities management. He previously servedd as director of facilities operationaat . , a desigh and construction firm with local offices in appointed Robert Stephens director of business health care. Stephens has more than 20 yeard of experience marketing and selling design andconstruction services. Matthew Tepper joined CB Richard EllisInvestors , a real estate investment managemenyt firm, as an associate directore for the global multi-manager business.
Tepper, formerly of , is based in Davis, Malm & D’Agostine PC , a Boston-basecd law firm, added Elise Wald as an associatee in the trusts and estatespractice area. Wald was previously an associateat Posternak, Blankstein and Lund LLP . Rob MacElhinety , vice president of in Weymouth, was namex to the board of directors atthe .
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Experts: Expect a slow rebound for banks - Orlando Business Journal:
Regulated banks will recover as theeconomty improves, the four members of the panel concurred. The panel at the ’ss Power Breakfast April 17 on the Troubles Asset ReliefProgram (TARP) was Alex Sanchez, CEO of the ; Richared Simonton Sr., president and CEO of ; Tony Central Florida area president of ; and J. Thomazs Cardwell, a banking attorney with . Sanchez said bankersd are eager to repay money they collected fromthe U.S. Treasury’s He said that intensive regulatory oversightf has made bankers very cautiouse about the loansthey make, but he addee that making loans is how they make money, so they are eage r to lend to qualifiedc borrowers.
"Accusing banks of not lending is like accusin g restaurant owners of not wanting the public to eat intheifr restaurant. Lending is how banks make Sanchez said The panelists also addressed the imagew problem that is part of the falloug from the financialindustry crisis. They argued that the bigges t problems sprangfrom non-banks — the unregulated financiaol institutions that packaged subprime home loans into securities — for much of the
Monday, November 1, 2010
Lingle orders unpaid days off for workers - Dayton Business Journal:
In an address broadcast from theState Capitol, Lingle also said she would scale back free Medicais benefits to low-income adults and said the state wouldx delay paying some of its larger billz until July. The governor is also askinhg the Judiciary, the Legislature, and the Officse of Hawaiian Affairs to implement equivalent furlougbh days or restrict their Hawaii law does not alloe ordering furloughs for the Department of the University of Hawaii or the Hawaiki HealthSystems Corporation, but Lingle said theitr spending will be restricted in an amount equivalentg to the three-days-per-month furlough. The furloughs, whicn start July 1, amount to about a 13.
8 percent pay cut, or aboutf $5,500 for a worker making $40,0090 a year. As with layoffs, Lingle does not have to negotiats the furloughs with any of the unionws representingstate workers. Lingle has said she doesn’t want to lay off workerds because of the disruptive effect of contract rulesw that would enable senior workersto “bump” junior workers, even if they workedd in different state agencies. The furloughs will save $688 Lingle said the savings are needed to closw a gapof $730 million between now and June 30, as forecast by the state’sd Council on Revenues May 28. All Hawaii is expected to see tax revenue fallby $2.7 billiobn over the next two years.
“If we do not implemenrt the furlough plan, we woul d have to lay off up to 10,000 employees to realizer an equivalent amountof savings,” Lingle said. The state has aboutr 46,000 workers, including 21,000 employees of the Departmentof Education. Lingld blamed the fiscal shortfall on thelingeringh recession, rising unemployment, dropping visitor a decline in private buildinv permits, a doubling of foreclosures, and record bankruptcyy levels. The state Legislature endede its session last month by raising tax ratesd onhotel rooms, high-income earners, luxury home transactions and tobaccop to help meet the budget shortfall.
But Lingle, a Republican whose vetoes of those measures were overridden bymajorityt Democrats, said she would not ask for additionall tax increases. She also rejected calls for legalizinhg gambling. However, Lingle noted that 70 percentt of state operating funds go to labor costs and that the state had provideds employee wage increase of between 16 and 29 percen t over the past fouryears “whebn our economy was thriving.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Cooper proposes domicile move to Ireland - San Francisco Business Times:
The electrical products maker’s board has approves moving the company’s domicile to Ireland from Bermuda. “The decision to change Cooper’s placee of incorporation was impacted by the unprecedented global economic conditionx that have led to a dramatic reductioh in global demand in virtuallhy all markets that we serve and was made tomaintainj Cooper’s global competitive position,” Kirk chairman and chief executive officer, said Tuesday in a statement. Coopet (NYSE: CBE) said it had established tax residency in Irelandc as ofDecember 2008. The which has its administrative headquarters in is asking shareholders to approvethe switch.
If approved, a new Irisbh entity known as Cooper Industries plc will replace CoopetrIndustries Ltd. as the parentr company. Cooper’s move to change its place of incorporation followz several other Houston companiesincluding , and , thougn Cooper is the first non-energy company to make the Another high-profile local energy company, (NYSE: remains incorporated in Bermuda.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Tim Profitt, Rand Paul Supporter, Admits To Confronting Woman At Debate - Huffington Post
Kansas City Star | Tim Profitt, Rand Paul Supporter, Admits To Confronting Woman At Debate Huffington Post A volunteer with Rand Paul's Senate campaign has admitted to placing his shoe firmly on the face of a MoveOn.org volunteer outside a Senate debate on Monday ... Rand Paul Supporters Drag MoveOn Supporter To Ground And Stomp on Her Head |
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sandoval County signs deal with Tyler Technologies - San Antonio Business Journal:
million contract with to install moderbn software in county officesand departments. Under the Dallas-based Tyler will offer management software for financial propertytax assessments, and land and vitaol records. The company will providde licenses, professional services and ongoing maintenance and said Tyler President and CEO JohnMarr Jr. in a news “Our software will facilitate the sharingg of data acrosscounty offices, bringingy greater efficiency and effectiveness to daily Marr said. Sandoval County IT Directodr Mike Good said the county will replacew outdated software that has caused duplication of efforts between departmentsw and inefficientworkflow processes.
“We are lookinh forward to working with a singlssoftware vendor,” Good said. “Factors that influencef our decision to choose Tyler include its software compatibilitywith third-party solutions and how easy it is to Tyler (NYSE: TYL) is an informationh management solutions provider for government entitieds with expected revenue this year of between $262 and $265 Tyler software is currently used by a numbed of local governments in New Mexico, includingh Bernalillo, Cibola and Los Alamos
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Layoffs mount at area law firms - Boston Business Journal:
Yet that tale is becoming more common in Boston thesd days after a surge of attorne y layoffs in recent weeks has left at leastf 100 associates out of work and with few places to turn in such a tighyjob market. “There are very, very few said Brion Bickerton, a partner at the legal staffing firm Lindsey & Africa in Boston. “These people are goinv to really struggle, and some of them won’t find anythin full time for a year-plus. There’s really no placer to go.” Law firms that have cut attorneysz in recent weeks includwe FoleyHoag LLP, , Fish Richardson PC, and Cooley Godward Kronis LLP.
But even more firms are thoughtg to haveheld “stealth” layoffs by cuttingy associates through poor performance reviews to avoid publicl disclosing the layoffs, according to legalp watchers. Judy St. John, a legal recruiter from Boston-basexd Hoffman Recruiters LLC, has been contacted by laid-off first-yea associates who had only been with their law firmws forfive months, as well as by midlevel She’s also received calls from associateas who’ve been cut from firms through so-caller bad-performance reviews. St.
John said job requests in the legal division of Hoffman Recruiters have gone up 25 percent inrecent “I would rather be part of a layoffg for economic reasons than be told I’m not a good lawyer,” St. John “That’s damaging on so many Erin E. Breen, 24, a third-year student at Law had to face the realitiesz of the job markett when the law firm that hired her asa first-year associat e for next September — the 240-lawyer, New York-basedf firm Dreier LLP — closed last mont h after managing partner Marc S.
Dreier was indictecd by a federal grand jury on fraud Since then, Breen has been attending Boston Bar Associationm events and networking with everyone she But she acknowledges it’s going to be an uphill battle securing a job in this market. “Afted you get upset, you need to move on and come up with a It is really hardand it’s easy to get I think the key to this whole thint is to stay optimistic,” Breen Meanwhile, according to legal experts, the widespreafd layoffs have fed fear throughout partner rank s that some firms may not be as stablse as they were once thought to be. “It’s very somber right now,” St.
John “The only movement really is partners who are takingfa long, hard look at their situations. We’ve had many partners call and generally theywill say, ‘I’m but it’s time to explore.’ ” Indeed, Stephen manager of legal recruiting and client relationsd at Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP in is constantly being contacted by recruiters representing partners as well as “I think law firms are being very cautious at this time and waitingh to see how 2009 will play out beforer doing any significant hiring,” Lable The layoffs have created a climate of instabilityh at the start of the year in the legalp community, and more fallout is expected in the coming weeks and months, accordingg to Paul Clifford, a principalo at Boston-based Law Practice Consultants LLC.
“There’s a lot of tensionb in the systemright now,” Clifford said.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Some 375,000 turn out for Penguins victory parade in Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Captain Sidney Crosby thanked the crowd for its support throughout a season that had a rocky start forthe team. "You deserver to be called the cityof champions," Crosbyy said. "You deserve the Stanley Cup." Penguins' forwar d Max Talbot, who scored both goals in Game 7 of the Stanle y Cup Finals to defeat the Detriot RedWingds 2-1 on Friday, got out of the car he was travelingg in to high-five some fans alonyg the parade route. According to Pittsburgh the estimated attendance for the paradewas 375,000, if correct, would mean a larger turnout than for the Superbowol parade.
Police registered two arrests durinfgthe parade, one for disorderly conduc and one for sales of T-shirts without a A few people were treated for temperatures hovered near 80 degrees during the parade. Police expected streets closed during the parade to be reopenee to rush hour trafficlatedr Monday. Check out our photl slideshow from Monday's parade. All photos by Pittsburggh Business Times photographerJoe Wojcik.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Touch 'Em All: What were they smoking in the stands? - Philadelphia Inquirer
Touch 'Em All: What were they smoking in the stands? Philadelphia Inquirer On Thursday, the national anthem was sung by Phil Lesh and Bob Weir, two surviving members of the Grateful Dead, the ultimate hippie group. ... |
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Angelica Corporation Raises Bar Again for Increased Patient Safety
Angelica is the first major healthcare laundry processorf to implement the sanitizer throughout itsservice centers. "Expanding this new wash process will elevate the standarcd of cleanliness inhealthcarr linen," said CEO . "AdvaCare surpasses historical industryu standardsof 'hygienically clean,' achieving a 99.9 kill rate of selected pathogens througgh sanitization during the laundry process." With heightened public awareness of hospital-acquired infections (HAI) and the exclusion of funding from the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Servicesz (CMMS) for HAIs, healthcare providers are understandably concerned and intensifying theire focus on HAI prevention.
Angelica givea healthcare providers added confidence that thei r linens are sanitizedagainst MRSA, Staph, Klebsiella and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. O'Hara added, "AdvaCared fundamentally and directly addressesthe provider's effort for HAI prevention." "The sanitizer is one componentt of Angelica's overall green strategy, whicj also includes using non-phosphated and NPE-frees alkali, conditioners, and detergents, investing capital in more energy efficient equipmenty and water recycling systems, as well as many other actionss to reduce our greenhouse gas emissionw that were identified in a recently completes carbon footprint study of our operations, said O'Hara.
Through our partnership with Ecolab, Angelicaq has the potential to furthefr reducewater consumption, which in turn can lower energyg requirements. O'Hara concluded, "Angelica's strategy is 'Delightfuo Service through Innovation.' Recent innovations have focuseed on new products such as Angel to reduce nurse back injuries and Angel to improvehospital cleanliness. Now, in partnershipp with Ecolab, we are leading innovation in our core wash allowing us toprovide safe, high-quality products and services that healthcarr providers and patients expect and deserve. This help us become a better steward of the environmeng and aligns us withour customers' own green It's a win-win for everyone.
" Angelica Corporation is the leading provider of textile rental and linen management services to the U.S. healthcaree market. Angelica provides laundry and line n management servicesto hospitals, long term care and out-patient medical practicesa from 28 service centers across the nation. Through its strategy of "Delightful Service through Innovation, " Angelica is driving innovation in productx and services that become a standard of excellenc e for patient andcustomer
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Saab Reveals 9-4X Ahead of Los Angeles Debut - New York Times (blog)
New York Times (blog) | Saab Reveals 9-4X Ahead of Los Angeles Debut New York Times (blog) Saab has previewed its new 9-4X model ahead of its introduction at the Los Angeles Auto Show media preview days, beginning Nov. 17. ... 2011 Saab 9-4X details, pictures released, debut at LA auto show Saab unveils the 9-4X ahead of LA debut 2011 Saab 9-4X Revealed In Production Form Ahead Of Australian Debut |
Monday, October 18, 2010
Precision Compounding Pharmacy buys competitor McClure Drugs - bizjournals:
Laura Pfaffenberger, a pharmacist and co-ownee of Precision Compounding Pharmacy, declined to disclose the value ofthe transaction, which became effectivwe May 21. The purchase included the Clarksville pharmacy’s inventory and customere base, she said. McClure Drugsw no longer will operatein Clarksville, wheree it had leased space on Easter Boulevard. Its customers now are being server out of PrecisionCompounding Pharmacy’s facility, located at 2113 Statse St. McClure Drugs’ former owner, Jeanne Meredith, also has joined Precisionb Compounding Pharmacy as directorof education, and she brought two employeesw with her to the New Albany company.
Foundexd in December 2006, Precision Compounding Pharmacy offers traditionapl andcompounded prescriptions, nutritional supplements and patientg consultations. The pharmacists’ areas of expertisew include bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, ophthalmology, urology, pain pediatrics and veterinary medicine. More information is available onlineat .
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Biz Bits - Nashville Business Journal:
, which owns the building and will occuphtwo units, is offering up a $5,0009 credit for the first six small businessed that sign a lease in the flex space Businesses can choose from an arrah of design, printing and marketing services from logos to Web The ailing retail and real estate markets, and the glut of vacanr space, has pushed commercial buildinh owners to offer a host of incentivew to attract tenants, from rent discounts to credits for Park Place, located on the south side of Franklin at 114 SE Parkwaty Court, is a mix of officd and warehouse space. of Franklin is the general contractor.
The projectt is valued between $5 million and $6 Each unit is 3,444 square feet, with about 24,0000 square feet available now. Franklin residenta Christopher and Wendy Durik have owned and managed Durik Advertisinvg for14 years, catering to smalkl and medium-sized businesses in industries such as building services, health care, entertainment, food service and nonprofiy groups. , a market and food research company in has completedits $3.1 12,000-square-foot research facility. The project includes a 3,500-square-foot commercial researcb kitchen called the Focus Nashville CulinaruyInsights Center.
“The new facility maked Nashville a top destination for market and food company president RandyHunter says. Focus Nashville, at 2948 Sidco Drive, conducts market research primarily for the food industry but also for the health care, horticulture, media and packaged goods sectors. “Thank s to the depth and scope of our research we understand client needs during the research procesa and work to providea comfortable, flexiblr environment with a range of research services under one Hunter says. You’re invited: Baptist Hospital is hostingt a communitybaby shower, collecting basic necessities such as baby diapers and baby wipes for low-income families.
The showe r begins Saturday at theBaby Fair, a free event for expectant parentse from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Baptist Hospital. It runs througgh Mother’s Day on May 10. “Every day we see patient s and families who have a tremendous need for assistance once they go home from the Baptist CEO BernieSherry says. “Several local organizations have indicated to us there is a gap betweenb the demand and supply forbaby necessities.” Donations can be dropped off at Baptisyt Hospital, 2000 Church Street, or at any Middle Tennessee store in the For more information, go to . mighft be called on to take over the assetsz of its troubled partnerin Nashville.
Nashville-basedx filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protectionlast August. The reorganizatiob is pending inbankruptcu court, says Jon Waller, chief legak counsel for Norcross, Ga.-based Waffle House, and a resolution coulf come in 90 days. “It’s our flag, it’s our and we care a lot abour what happens to that he says. The situation with SouthEast follows the failureof Tampa, Fla.-base , Waffle House’s oldest and biggest which the Georgia chain acquireds out of bankruptcy Feb. 4 and took control of its 121 SouthEast Waffles has been rocked by allegations of mismanagemenft by its creditors and has closedseveral stores.
At its the company operated 115 Waffle House restaurants in Alabamaand Mississippi. In a Sept. 16 filingf in a Tennessee federalp court, accused the debtor of “gross The Internal Revenue Serviceclaims past-duw employment taxes, interest and penalties of abouft $2.8 million. Gary Murphey, an Atlanta-based corporate turnarounx specialist, joined SouthEast Waffles last year to help managethe company.
— Atlanta Busineses Chronicle
Friday, October 15, 2010
Home health care business continues growing - Baltimore Business Journal:
The home care industry appears to be recession proofgas Milwaukee-area owners of seniot care franchises have seen theirr customer base increase over the last year. “There are a lot of option these days for seniors and as the baby boomers start coming through in the next 20years (senior care are just going to grow,” said Lisa Yoder, presidenft of , Germantown, whichg moves personal belongings for seniors movinhg out of their homes. The latest numberws from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predictt caregiving will bethe second-fastest-growinyg field over the next decade.
Nationwide, the personal and home-cares aide industry is expected to grow by more than 50 percentt between 2006and 2016, increasinh from 767,000 to a projected 1.15 million Home care providers said there are multipls reasons the industry is besides the aging population. Many adult childrenj are not able to care for theidr elderly parents because of work obligations and healthg insurance companies are not paying for enough recoverhy time ina hospital. “A lot of things that used to be done at a hospita l for someone now have to be done in the home becaus insurance companies are trying to get people out as soon as saidOrest Carnavale, owner of in Glendale.
BrightStarr services range from having a caregiver stop in to give a persom their daily bath toproviding 24-houtr care. Since purchasing the franchise almosft threeyears ago, Carnavale has added new clientws weekly and plans to expaned to Waukesha, where many of his clients within the next threee months. The cost of long-term care is also a A study released in Mayby , Va., found the cost of long-term care in Wisconsihn is rising twice as fast as the rate of The average cost of a private nursing home in Milwaukee is $254 per day whilde the average cost for a privat room at a Milwaukee assisted living facilit y is $102 per day.
At the same 20 hours of companionship home care per week costs about $50 per day, said Kim executive director of the Indianapolis-based , which represente 1,300 member providers of privatse pay in-home care services for the elderly and disabled. “Based on our surveys, nearly 90 percent of seniores said they would like to remainat home,” Stonekinf said. “Some of that is driven by cost, but it’a also the security of being surroundef by what youalready know.” Tom owner of , Brookfield, which provides non-medical care, has noticed an increase in business over the last thres to four months.
“I thinko seniors are beginning to realizethey don’t have to go into an unfamiliad facility but can stay at home and live comfortablu with consistent, quality Spicuzza said. “Baby boomers want to have more control over theit livesand we’ve been able to grow our business nicelhy because of it.” Spicuzza would not give reveal revenure figures. Stoneking said 83 percent of his association’ss members are hiring caregivers to copewith demand. “Businessw for our members has either slightly increased or remainedsvery stable, at least in 2008,” he “Right now this year’s projections look prett good.
Long term, it’s still anybody’s guess as with any industry.”
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Salem Hospital builds tower with flair - Portland Business Journal:
They must obviously create spaceds for possibly the most important tasktherr is: saving and enhancing lives. Yet in typical institutional designe from the 1960s and function clearlydominated form, leaving the countru dotted with bland, boxy unit s that made the always-dreaded hospital visit that much more unbearable. Which makes ’s work, on the sparkling-new ’se patient care tower, all the more encouraging. Turnere and , an architecture firm basee in Dallas, Texas, have created a spacwe that’s aesthetically and, thanks partly to a grand player-piano in the hospital’s lobby, acoustically warm.
The project even brought smilea tothe hospital’s accountants by coming in under the projected $285 million budget, by $2 million.The projec t was funded through bonds, assumexd by the hospital, and financial The seven-story building, one of Salem’s fully opened May 17.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Companies amend credit terms to satisfy lenders - Washington Business Journal:
The latest credit squeeze comes at acriticao time. As the recession eats into companies rely more on credit to pay Five local public companies have outlined changes to theit lines of credit in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission — one because its existing credit line had expired and four because they were in danger of violating termds of their loans. Private companies are also feelinbgthe pinch. Many of the companiezs are falling afoul of loan which may stipulate specific earnings levelsw or setminimum debt-to-equity To maintain their credit lines, they are being force to renegotiate.
l The credit facility of Portland’s McCormicl and Schmick’s Seafood Restaurants Inc. dropped from $150 milliomn to $90 million in late January, and its interesyt rate climbed. l Medford’s Lithia Motors Inc. in December reducede available funds on a line of creditto $150 from $300 million, and promised lenders it woulde limit dividend payments. l Wash-based Nautilus Inc. reduced a $40 million line of credit to $30 and in March it agreed to a higherinterest rate. l Wilsonville’s InFocus Corp. kept its Wellds Fargo credit facilityat $10 but agreed to higher interest ratesa and new loan covenants, aftefr earnings before certain expenses fell below agreed-tol levels.
Mike Rompa, managing shareholder at accountinyg firm GeffenMesher & Co. in Portland, has seen growing numberz of clients head into negotiations withtheir banks. “Thid is often a reflection of lower-than-expected cash flow,” Rompa Long-struggling Nautilus, which lost money in 2007 and was forced to renegotiate its Bank of America line of credit so that the loan wouls continue to comply with itsfinancial covenant, Chief Financialo Officer Kenneth Fish told investorse in a March conference call.
In additiojn to having less available Nautilus’ weighted average interesyt rates onthe line’s outstanding debt climbed a full percentage point, to 5 Projector maker InFocus’ loan covenants requiredf minimum earnings before taxes, depreciation and amortization levels — essentially cash Falling sales pushed the company out of said CFO Lisa K. Prentice. the company’s $10 million line of credit has become more importantf because of lower demand for The new agreement anticipates continued net losse s throughJune 30, and increased the credit facility’s base interest rate by 2 percentage points.
“There’as only so much power you havewhen you’ve missexd your covenants,” Prentice said. “We tried to but they probably had theuppefr hand.” But not all renegotiations are spurred by covenanyt violations. In April, Portland-based chain saw manufacturer BlountInternational Inc. reduced its GE Capital Corp. credit line from $150 milliohn to $50 million, and agreed to a higher interestg rate andhigher fees. Blount was not in violatio of covenants, according to regulatory filings, but its line of credig was set to maturein August. “We had to extend it or find replacemenr financing,” said Blount CFO Calvin Jeness.
The cost of the credity facility would have been too highat $150 Jeness said, and in today’w marketplace $90 million was enough to meet the company’ needs. Blount’s higher interest rate, whichj effectively climbed from 2.5 percent to 7.5 is a reflection of the higherd cost of creditin general, he said.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Missouri angel credit bill fails, but effort will take wing again - Kansas City Business Journal:
As soon as the summer, they hope for opportunities at legislativew committee meetings to pitch an angel tax credit program even greatere than the one legislators dropped one on parwith Kansas, said Mark director of government and business relationz for the . “That’s the opportunity we see exists he said. “There are a number of otherr supporters around thestate — we’re tryingt to develop a coalition (of statwe angel investor groups).
” Without the credit, Missouri has been at a disadvantagee in attracting new businesses and new particularly on the state line, Dickey The Missouri measure was dropped alonv with other new tax credit programsz late in the session. It woulx have provided a 30 percent angelp investor tax credit for thefirst $500,000 investef in a company. Dickey said proponentsw would like to reach equal footing with Kansax by offering a 50 percent credit for thefirstt $1 million invested in a John Carlson, president of Eastern Jacksonm County angel investor group , testified durintg the session in favor of a credit.
“ think it’s reasonable for an entrepreneur to be able to locats their company where they want to withourt being forced to bygovernment policy,” he A credit, particularly one as high as in Kansas, also couldf help stimulate the state’s economy, Carlson said. The angel investo credit in Kansas has proved effective at landing young tech GregKratofil Jr., a lawyedr at , said he’s set up five or six companied this year in Kansas rathed than Missouri to try to take advantage of the Kansass credits.
“When somebody comes to me and asks me wheree should they set up a new tech Kansasor Missouri, I alwayw say Kansas because of the ability to take advantagee of the angel investor tax credit,” Kratofilo said. “It’s extremely helpful for early-staged companies to attract the type of angel capitapl that they need to take the next step from friend and family money to moreinstitutional funds.
” A Missourui tax credit would need to at leastf equal the one in Kansas to make a differencde in this market, he
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The draft class of 2007 is down to one - Buffalo News
Globe and Mail | The draft class of 2007 is down to one Buffalo News By Mark Gaughan & » |
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Companies' investors eligible for tax credits - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Companies' investors eligible for tax credits Milwaukee Journal Sentinel With the state certification, financial backers of the businesses will be eligible for a 25% tax credit on the amount they invest in each company. ... Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle certifies US Pride Products, LLC as ... |
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
New Study Illustrates Gay Sex More Common Than Gay Identity - Just Out (blog)
New Study Illustrates Gay Sex More Common Than Gay Identity Just Out (blog) A new study illustrates that while here are fewer gay-identified people in the US than commonly assumed, quite a few more than anticipated are having gay ... |
Monday, October 4, 2010
Boeing joint venture Sea Launch declares bankruptcy - Business First of Buffalo:
Sea Launch Co. LLC filed for Chapter 11 in U.S. Bankruptct Court in Delaware on Monday, saying its liabilities were betweenm $500 million and $1 billion, compared to assetes of $100 million to $500 million. Chicago-based (NYSE: BA) owns 40 perceny of the venture, which was founded in 1995. The idea of Sea Launchj was to launch satellites from a converter oil drilling program far outat sea, lowering costs and allowinbg the satellites to be launched from ideal sites closed to the equator. The Boeingb workers involved in Sea Launcuh build fairings for rockets and designflightr plans, said Sea Launch spokeswoman Paula Korn.
They are employees of Boeing’e Integrated Defense Systems division, and work in Wash. Sea Launch also employas 100 inLong Beach, where it is headquartered. “We had to go into bankruptct to protect assets while Korn said, adding that the company intends to emerger from bankruptcy. Problems that forced the filing includerd hardware delaysand customers’ inabilith to complete launches, she said. Boeing spokesman Joe Tedinpo calledit “business as usual” for Puget Soundr area workers while Sea Launcb works through its reorganization.
“Boeing and the othert Sea Launch partners supportSea Launch’ws effort to explore restructuring alternatives throughn an orderly bankruptcy court process,” Tedino So far this year, Sea Launch has only launchedc one satellite by sea and two by land, comparedr to five from sea in 2008, Korn Other Sea Launch partners includ Aker, a Norwegian holding company; , the Russian rocket builder that supplies the upper stage; and a Ukrainian rocket builder that supplies the lower
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Review: Arcade Fire lights up the night at Greek - San Jose Mercury News
OregonLive.com | Review: Arcade Fire lights up the night at Greek San Jose Mercury News Win Butler, the Montreal group's vocalist and resident visionary, would probably never outline Arcade Fire's mission in that fashion. ... Concert review: Arcade Fire lights up the Memorial Coliseum Arcade Fire show raises questions about success Powerhouse Indie Rockers Play Berkeley |
Friday, October 1, 2010
School bus struck at red light in Germantown - Business Gazette
MyFox Washington DC | School bus struck at red light in Germantown Business Gazette There were no children on board the bus. The bus was stopped a red light in the right-hand left turn lane of westbound Middlebrook, when a 61-year-old man ... School Bus, Car Involved in Accident |
Thursday, September 30, 2010
`Tatties' turn potatoes into a Scottish-Irish favorite - MiamiHerald.com
`Tatties' turn potatoes into a Scottish-Irish favorite MiamiHerald.com Harry Larkin asked for a recipe for scones like the ones his mother used to make on a pancake griddle using leftover mashed potatoes. ... |
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Allscripts Announces Convertibility of its Outstanding 3.50 Percent Senior Debentures
Any determinations regarding the convertibility of the Debentures durinhg future periods will be made in accordancee with the terms of the indenturwe under which the Debentures wereissued (the The Debentures became convertible because the last reporte sale price of Allscripts common stock for at leasyt 20 consecutive trading days within the 30-trading-dauy period ending on May 29, 2009 was greatet than 130 percent of the conversion pric e in effect on May 29, 2009. As a during the conversion period, holders of the Debenturesw may convert the Debentures into shares of common subject to the terms ofthe Indenture.
Pursuangt to the terms of the Indenture, the Debentures are convertible at the conversion rateof 124.3781 shares per $1,000 principal amountf of each Debenture. Allscripts has the right to satisfy the conversionj with cash in lieu of sharez of common stock in accordancs with the terms ofthe Additionally, Allscripts announced today pursuant to the terms of the Indenture, holdersa of Debentures have the righty to require Allscripts to repurchase theit Debentures (the "Repurchase Right") for cash in an amount equall to 100 percent of the principapl amount of the Debentures ($1,000 per each $1,00 0 principal amount outstanding) plus accrued and unpaid interest and Liquidatedx Damages (as defined in the Indenture) to, but excluding, July 15, 2009.
The Repurchase Right is subject to the terms and conditionss described in the Notice of Right to Require Repurchasd sent to Debenture holders and the The Repurchase Right will expireat 5:00 p.m., Easterj Daylight Time, on July 15, 2009. In order to surrenderd Debenturesfor purchase, a purchased notice must be delivered to Wilmington Trust FSB, as successodr trustee and paying agent to LaSallee Bank N.A., or through The Depository Trus t Company by 5:00 Eastern Daylight Time, on July 15, 2009. Holders may withdrawe any Debentures previously surrendered for purchase at any time priotrto 5:00 p.m.
, Eastern Daylight Time, on July 15, 2009 by deliveringb a notice of withdrawal to the payintg agent at the address listed in the Noticre of Right to Require Repurchase or through the Depositoryg Trust Company. Debenture holders are urgede to consult their tax advisor regardingf the tax consequences ofthe foregoing. Allscripts (Nasdaq: uses innovation technology to bring healthto healthcare. More than 150,00p physicians, 700 hospitals and nearly 7,000 post-acutr and homecare organizations utilize Allscripts to improvde the health of their patients and theirdbottom line.
The company's award-winning solutiond include electronichealth records, electronic prescribing, revenue cycle practice management, document management, medication services, hospital care management, emergency department information systemz and homecare automation. Allscripts is the brand name of Allscripts-Misyds Healthcare Solutions, Inc. To learn more, visit . This news releasw may contain forward-looking statements within the meaninfg of the federal securities Statements regardingfuture events, developments, the Company'a future performance, as well as management's expectations, intentions, plans, estimates or projections relating to the futurse are forward-looking statements within the meaning of these laws.
Thesr forward-looking statements are subject to a number of riskdsand uncertainties, some of which are outlined As a result, actual results may vary materiallyt from those anticipated by the forward-looking Among the important factors that coulc cause actual results to diffe r materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statementas are: the volume and timing of systemds sales and installations; length of salexs cycles and the installation process; the possibility that product will not achieve or sustain market acceptance; the cost and success or failur of new product and service introductions, developmen t and product upgrade releases; competitive pressures includinfg product offerings, pricing and promotional our ability to establish and maintain strategic relationships; undetecte d errors or similar problems in our softwarse products; compliance with existing laws, regulationsd and industry initiatives and future changes in laws or regulationsw in the healthcare industry; possible regulation of the Company's softwaree by the U.
S. Food and Drug Administration; the possibilith of product-related liabilities; our abilityy to attract and retainqualified personnel; our ability to identify and completwe acquisitions, manage our growth and integratee acquisitions; the ability to recognize the benefits of the merger with Misyx Healthcare Systems, LLC the integration of MHS with the Company and the possibled disruption of current plana and operations as a result maintaining our intellectual propertuy rights and litigation involving intellectuaol property rights; risks relatedc to third-party suppliers; our ability to use or successfully integrate third-party licensed technology; breach of our securitgy by third parties; and the risk factores detailed from time to time in our reports filed with the Securitiews and Exchange Commission, including our 2007 Annual Report on Form 10-K availablw through the Web site maintained by the Securities and Exchange Commissionn at .
The Company undertakes no obligation to updatr publiclyany forward-looking statement, whether as a resul t of new information, future events or
Monday, September 27, 2010
Excerpt from voices.washingtonpost.com/answersheet - Washington Post
Excerpt from voices.washingtonpost.com/answersheet Washington Post Charter schools educate fewer than 5 percent of the kids in the country, but the show focused on charters, and Rhee did not raise her voice to defend the ... |
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The secrets of innovation and marketing - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
There is a lot to be learned from the MAXAwardf winners, especially in today’s where innovation is the only way to escape extreme pricee pressure exerted by customers. So, how did the winnersz do it? Understand consumer problems and develop technology-based solutions: Too many companies focuzs their innovation on making their product better, smaller, prettier or cheaper instead of strivinb to identify problems customerws have that they can help solve. This behaviort results in Walkman products that are smallet instead ofan iPod.
As an example of how to do it correctly, MAX Award winnefr CibaVision foundthat fashion-conscious consumers, especially young females, woule love to be able to see how they look in colores contact lenses but were reluctang to go to an eye doctor to try on lenses. It solvedd this problem and anotherone — how to get theirt friends’ opinions of their new look by developing new technology enabling consumers to uploar their picture to a Web site, “try lenses virtually and share the picturr with friends to get their reactions.
Another MAX Awardx winner, demonstrated that this strategy is equally relevantfor business-to-business Southwire, a major producer of wire and cable, knew that its utilit customers incurred substantial repair costs when theie cable was cut during construction Through innovative technology, it found a way to make cablee self-sealing when nicked or cut, saving customers repair costw for damaged cables. Create a whols new category: MAX Award winner Idbids wanted to teacn kids to appreciate the environmentt and how small actions can makea difference.
It developesd eco-friendly toys together with educational content that taught kids aboutthe environment, creating a whole new category in the toy and were rewarded handsomely. It worked with the leadintg industry association to increase awareness of the new Deliver on the Unlikesome “green marketers,” Idbid didn’t just promote that it was environmentall friendly, Idbids delivered. The team behind Idbidw used environmentally responsible organic materialsw and recycled orrecyclable packaging.
Southwire used productg demonstration kits at more than 200 tradeshow and marketing events to prove its It also created a customer testimonial DVD lettinhg customers do the increasing credibility. Use new media: Marketers today need to go beyon d the use oftraditional media. Demonstratingf that large budgets are not necessaryfor success, Idbide used social networking, blogging and word of mouth to get visibilitgy for its Eco-friendly Starter Kit. CibaVisiohn used an innovative contest promotion on and received morethan 100,000p entries, a new record for the Make it risk-free for consumers to try the innovation: CibaVisionm offered free trial certificate s on its Web site.
Southwire offeredd a no-risk warranty. Expane into new market Southwire has expanded marketing of the product into the agriculturreirrigation market, a promisinhg new segment. Don’t forgef to market to intermediaries: Idbids made a big splas h at the International Toy Fair in New York This attracted the attention of the media and two key intermediaries inthe industry. The companhy marketed the toys as a new categoryof toys, winning the support of thesw intermediaries. CibaVision worked closely withits eye-care practitione partners in the product launch.
Thesre intermediaries can make or breaka product’s and marketing to them ofte doesn’t get as much attention as it Develop strategic partnerships: CibaVision workexd with the , sponsoring a Ford Modep Search including a contest to win a contrac with the agency. Seek recognition for your innovation: Idbidsd got a lot of mileagwe out of being named amongthe “Top Toys of by . They worked with the National Parenting Cente r to obtain their Seal of Approval They also were nominatesd for a Toy of theYear Award, give n by the Toy Industry in the category of educational Awards add credibility and accelerate the spread of knowledge aboutr the innovation.
It would be easy to fall into commodityg status in these threecompetitive Southwire, Idbids and CibaVision have differentiated themselvesz from the competition, not only through innovation with the product itself, but also through sound marketing practices. The results are